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RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : nOx nOx on 2023-09-27 10:50
Nous avons le même problème

reached max connections 512!

On essaye de modifier le chilli.conf.

Bonne journée

RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Richard REY (Rexy) on 2015-07-16 17:59
256 AP and more than 1000 hosts : WAOUH, when we created ALCASAR, we didn't think about a so huge network. Congratulation.

RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Edin Gosic on 2015-07-14 23:41
Hi Rexy,

yes, you're right. I had write maxclients in chilli config file and the number of connected user is rising. that is ok, and you suggestion justified, I will change subnet to 16.



RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Richard REY (Rexy) on 2015-07-14 22:09

You can try to modify the default value of the option "maxclients" of the chilli daemon (which is 512) .
In the file "/etc/chilli.conf" create the following line : maxclients 1024
Then restart chilli with the command "systemctl restart chilli".

As it is write in the documentation, i advise you not to configure your consultation network in a "class A" (/8). You should prefer a "class B" (/16). Indeed, Alcasar creates in memory all the IP addresses before distribute them. Imagine with a class A (16 Million addresses !!!).

Say us if it's ok

RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Vincent Boucard on 2015-07-14 19:39
i'm not sure.

did you configure these parameters at the setup of alcasar ? you can check in /usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf file, the PRIVATE_IP setting. if you change this, after saving the file, you have to reload the conf, by running /usr/local/bin/ --apply

RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Edin Gosic on 2015-07-13 22:37
I don't know, I try to figure out which parameter has value 512. I have on LAN side subnet mask /8 and it's not problem white DHCP pool which is

RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Vincent Boucard on 2015-07-13 19:00
i'm not sure if this is a linux/chilli issue.

i'm not an expert in network architecture, but depending on the subnet and mask you used in your dhcp configuration, you can't exceed a number of hosts.

RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Edin Gosic on 2015-07-13 15:30
Hi Vincent,

thanks for replay,

I have more than 256 AP's and are with more than 1000 hosts. In Authentication-Activity I can't get more than 512 IP's. I don't have flooding, it's closed network but I have huge number of hosts.

I believe that is some limit on system, Linux or alcasar.


RE: Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Vincent Boucard on 2015-07-13 15:08

how many clients do you have on your network ? if it is less than 512, maybe someone is trying to break your server by flooding it with dhcp requests.

in the log, you can see the dhcp requests ; if there is one every second, then you have someone with bad intentions on your network i think

Reached max connections 512 [ Répondre ]
Par : Edin Gosic on 2015-07-13 14:03
Hi all,

I have issue with reached max connections 512! on chilli. Next client can't get IP address before one address is not relased. What is step to reach max connection to example 1000?

this is the log which I get:

coova-chilli[28977]: dhcp.c: 643: reached max connections 512!
coova-chilli[28977]: dhcp.c: 5788: ARP: out of connections

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