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V3.1.1 [ Répondre ]
Par : Richard REY (Rexy) on 2017-05-09 23:33
La version 3.1.1 vient d'être mise en ligne. Elle apporte une multitude de petites évolutions dans tous les domaines (sécurité, ACC, installation, etc.).
La mise à jour est automatique sur une version 3.1

- Linux Kernel (4.4.59)
- Migration of FPDF to wkhtmltopdf (user/vouncher tickets & user file import). (FPDF is removed)
- Update nfsen (1.3.8)
- Repackage wkhtmltopdf without unused wkhtmltoimage executable and wkhtmltox library (32.1 Mo -> 10.6 Mo).
- geoip updating (surfmap)
- Add warning message on user status page (page closed => disconnection).
- Print allowed domains in user home (index.php).
- Add ACC access, Global traffic and Fail2Ban bans to activity report.
- On authentication, redirects to the status page and open the user's URL to a new tab (instead of the reverse).
- ALCASAR update process can be fully performed via SSH (preparing via ACC)
- Print blacklist categories of blocked domain on interception page.
- The users can change their password
- managing uamallowed domain is operational again
- Fix broken SQL library path in autoregistration.php.
- Fix loop redirection after connection in case of imputability logs warn.
- Fix test if installed on a VMware
- Fix ticket print link after user creation.
- MSEC (HIDS) is enabled by default
- Fix vulnerabilities in the user part (1 SQL injection & 2 XSS).
- Remove ALCASAR version visible in the user part.

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