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Proposé par :
Emmanuel Charpentier(echarp)
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Résumé de la tâche :
Redefine person's profile screen
Commentaire initial :
Sometimes you need to consult a person's page, not modify it. In that page you can see an optional photo, a name, an email.

A free text can be filled by the person herself.

For exemple, a student could describe his goals in life. Can talk about himself, or whatever really.

When consulting a person's profile, if you have the rights to an edition icon is presented and allow the user to go into the edition screen.

In that screen is a form where the user can change everything. Including a password section which changes the person's password if filled.
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Commentaire Date Par
L'écran actuel d'édition pourrait être utilisé avant tout pour la consultation si les formulaires n'aparaissaient que sur le clic de bouton d'édition 10/01/2005 09:44 echarp

Historique de la tâche

Champ Ancienne valeur Date Par
percent_complete 0 10/01/2005 09:44 echarp
hours 80 10/01/2005 09:44 echarp
start_date 2004-07-10 10/01/2005 09:44 echarp
end_date 2004-08-17 10/01/2005 09:44 echarp
assigned_to_id 100 10/01/2005 09:44 echarp
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