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Date :
09/02/2011 10:58
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Proposé par :
laurent cailleux (cailleux)
Confié à :
Nobody (None)
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Résumé :
Out-of-Office: add sieve addresses parameter

Description détaillée
The sieve scripts generated by the out-of-office addon currently allow no configuration of the :addresses parameter as described in section 4.5 of RFC5230 entitled "Address Parameter and Limiting Replies to Personal Messages".

This lack of a complete :addresses parameter causes the sieve script to ignore emails sent to aliases.

This problem severely limits the use of the addon for all but the simplest of cases.

Ideally the :addresses parameter should be informed by the identities currently configured in TB, but a good general solution would be to let the user manually define a list of email aliases to which the :vacation module should respond.
Message  ↓
Date : 03/08/2011 11:08
Expéditeur : laurent cailleux


Thank you for your contribution.

You can send us the new version of this addon at trustedbird@gmail.com

We will incorporate your changes into the next version of the addon. Probably in early September.


Date : 02/08/2011 12:25
Expéditeur : JC Prin


I updated this module to new version 1.0.3, with Thunderbird 5 to 8 compatibility, and possibility to change the :addresses parameter.

This project seems to be dead, isn't it?

Where or how can I upload the new version?


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