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Trustedbird: New version 17.0.7 and XIMF is online!

Thibault Cassan - 18/07/2013 19:40 - Trustedbird Client

This beta version is a rebranding of Thunderbird 17.0.7 ESR with the following additional features :

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Trustedbird 3.1.15 + 0.5.3 Beta is out for Windows and Linux

Thibault Cassan - 14/11/2011 17:42 - Trustedbird Client

This beta version is a rebranding of Thunderbird 3.1.15 code with the following features :

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Trustedbird 3.1.9 + 0.4.3 is out for Windows and Linux

Thibault Cassan - 20/03/2011 13:37 - Trustedbird Client

This version is a rebranding of Thunderbird 3.1.9 code with the following features :

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Trustedbird 3.1.7 + 0.4 is out for Windows and Linux

Frédéric SUEL - 04/03/2011 17:41 - Trustedbird Client

It\'s a rebranding of Thunderbird 3.1.7 code with four features :

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S/MIME security labels in Trustedbird 3.1.4

Frédéric SUEL - 24/10/2010 18:38 - Trustedbird Client

S/MIME security labels are now available in Trustedbird 3.1. This feature is described in Enhanced Security Services for S/MIME (RFC 2634 - section 3).

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Thunderbird 3.1 compatibility for 8 add-ons

Frédéric SUEL - 18/10/2010 09:59 - Trustedbird Client

The following add-ons are now compatible with Thunderbird 3.1:

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S/MIME signed receipts in Trustedbird 3.1

Frédéric SUEL - 18/10/2010 09:59 - Trustedbird Client

A new branch of Trustedbird based on Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.2 has been released.

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