
De Trustedbird Client Wiki
Révision de 6 septembre 2010 à 11:14 par Rfairise (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{lang|ContributeProject|ContributeProject/fr}} {{ContributePanel}} »)

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  • Find and report new issues in the bug tracker.
  • Write and propose new translations or correct style/spelling mistakes in user interfaces or documentation.
  • You have ideas: share them in the forums.
  • Develop new features and submit them to the project. Get the source code from the Git repository.
  • Test add-ons and write reviews on
  • Contribution tracker.

If you have an invalid password issue while creating an account on Adullact forge, try using a password with at least 6 characters and containing a digit and a special character among [](),?;.:/!§*%$£^_`{}*+"'-.

Thank you!